Bequest Language

A simple and popular way to make a legacy gift is through your Will. You specify a percentage of your estate, dollar amount, an item, or asset that you want your beneficiary to receive after your lifetime. You also have the option of naming an organization in the Diocese of Austin as a beneficiary to your estate.

The Diocese of Austin has partnered with FreeWill to give all our supporters the opportunity to do create or update their will at no cost to you. You can access this free planning tool at As always, we recommend consulting with an estate planning attorney to make sure your wishes are properly formalized.

I give, devise and bequeath to the Catholic Diocese of Austin, (% of my estate/amount/item/asset) to be used (choose one of the following):

  • for religious, charitable, or educational purposes to be used in accordance with the instructions of the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Austin as he, in his discretion, instructs.
  • for the religious, charitable, or educational purposes of (INSERT NAME OF PARISH OR OTHER DIOCESAN INSTITUTION) or, if no longer in existence, as the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Austin, in his discretion, decides.
  • for (STATE SPECIFIC PURPOSE) or, if not possible, as the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Austin, in his discretion, decides